Day in the Life Photos

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Day in the Life

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A day in the Rung Sat Special Zone escorting ships up the shipping channel.  In between ships, we scoured the immediate area, took in some rays, got hot and sweaty in the August sun and by night fall we were ready to return to Nha Be for liberty in the bars.  The early bird gets the best bar stool, so cleaning up on the way back was the smart thing to do.

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First, grab a bucket of river water and the shave cream...    then trim the moustache:

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There was a protrusion of the hull that allowed me to stand up and apply a little Head & Shoulders.. no dandruff.

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A quick rinse with that yummy brown water and a little brush of the teeth...

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Back in port (that's a PBR behind me) to eat my favorite stuff out of the C Rations box..candy.

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And "Shazam" we're ready for liberty call in those fine establishments along Nha Be's main street where "You buy me tea?" is heard almost as often as "Give me a beer."

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That was a day in the Rung Sat Special Zone.


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Copyright 1999-2014 by Don Blankenship. You may use the images, descriptions, stories or text within this site, with proper credit,  for non-commercial, not-for-profit purposes only. In the event you wish to use any material contained within this site for commercial, for-profit purposes, permission must be obtained from the author, Don Blankenship, in advance of such use. All rights reserved. Click email if you have comments. Thanks for your interest in learning about the Mobile Riverine Force.