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See also this page for terms used in the
Gulf War, Operation Desert Shield, Operation Enduring Freedom and
Operation Iraqi Freedom.
A CINCPAC Glossary of Commonly Used Abbreviations,
Acronyms and Short Titles
Compiled by LTC J. R. Johnson, USA, CINCPAC Command Historian
Senior Chief Yeoman D. E. Bentley, USN
Staff Sergeant William J. Stanish, USAF
Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii
AA Air America; Antiaircraft
AAA Antiaircraft Artillery; Army Audit Agency
AABFS Amphibious Assault Bulk Fuel System
AADCP Army Air Defense Command Post
AAF Army Airfield
AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service
AAFV Australian Armed Forces, Vietnam
AAFWB Army-Air Force Wage Board
AAM Air-to-air Missile
AAOC Antiaircraft Operations Center
AARMA Assistant US Army Military Attache
AATTV Australian Army Training Team, Vietnam
AAW Antiaircraft Warfare
AAWEX Antiaircraft Warfare Exercise
AB Air Base
ABA Airborne Assault
ABAD Air Battle Analysis Division
ABAT Air Base Advisory Team
ABC American-British-Canadian
ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile
ABMA Army Ballistic Missile Agency
Abn Airborne
ABNCP Airborne Command Post
ABR Airborne Resupply
ABWG Air Base Wing
AC Approach Chart
A/C Aircraft
ACA Airlift Clearance Authority
ACAAD Authorized Commanders Atomic Air Defense
ACC Army Component Command; Alternate Command Center; Air Control Center
ACCS Airborne Command and Control Squadron
ACCSEATO Air Component Commander(s) SEATO
ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ACE Army Combat Engineers; Alternate Command Elements
ACEP Airborne Emergency Communications Post
ACM Air Chief Marshall; Additional Crew Member
ACNB Australian Commonwealth Naval Board
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
ACP Allied Communications Publication
Acq Acquisition
ACR Aerial Combat Reconnaissance; Air Crew Rescue
ACS Air Commando Squadron
ACTIV Army Concept Team in Vietnam
AC&W Aircraft Control and Warning
AD Air Defense; Air Division
ADA Air Defense Artillery
ADAR Air Defense Area
ADC Air Defense Command
ADCC Air Defense Command Center
ADCSP Advanced Defense Communications Satellite Project
ADDC Air Defense Direction Center
Adee Addressee
ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone
ADM Admiral
ADMINO Administrative Office
ADMSC Automatic Data Message Switching Center
ADO Auto Defense Ordinance
ADP Automatic Data Processing
ADPS Automatic Data Processing System
ADRI Indonesian Army
ADT Actual Departure Time
ADTAKE Advise Action Taken
Adv Advisor
ADV Advanced Development Unit
ADVON Advance Squadron
AE Aeromedical Evacuation
A&E Architectural and Engineering
AEAC Alternate Emergency Action Center
AEACP Airborne Emergency Alternate Command Post
AEW Airborne Early Warning
AEWC(ADC) Airborne Early Warning and Control (Aerospace Defense Command)
AF Air Force
AFADGRU Air Force Advisory Group
AFAG Air Force Advisory Group
AFAK Armed Forces Assistance to Korea
AFB Air Force Base
AFCC Air Force Component Commander
AFCENT Allied Forces Central Europe
AFCRC Air Force Cambridge Research Center
AFCS Air Force Communications System
Aff Affairs
AFIC Air Force Intelligence Center
AFK Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea
AFLC Air Force Logistics Command
Afld Airfield
AFM Air Force Manual
AFMDC Air Force Missile Development Center
AFP Armed Forces of the Philippines
AFPSC Armed Forces Philippines Supply Center
AFR Air Force Regulation
AFRS Armed Forces Radio Service
AFRTS Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
AFSC Armed Forces Staff College; Air Force Systems Command
AF-SEMP Armed Forces Socio-Economic Program
AFSS Air Force Security Services
AFSWC Air Force Special Weapons Center
AFSWP Armed Forces Special Weapons Project
AFTAC Air Force Technical Application Center
AFWTR Air Force Western Test Range
AGC Amphibious Force Flagship
AGE Associated Ground Equipment
AGIL Airborne General Illumination Light System
AGS Surveying Ship
AGSC Coastal Surveying Ship
AGSS Auxiliary Target Submarine
AH Attack Helicopter; Hospital Ship
AID Agency for International Development
AIF Aerospace Intelligence File
AIG Address Indicator Group
AIK Aid in Kind; Assistance in Kind
AIR Aircraft Recovery
AIRA Air Attache
AIRRES Air Rescue
AJCC Alternate Joint Command Center
AJWR Alternate Joint War Room (now ANMCC)
AK Cargo Ship
AKL Light Cargo Ship
AKP Agence Khmer Press (Cambodian Newspaper)
ALA Airland Assault
ALCJ Army Logistics Command Japan
ALCON All Concerned
Alft Airlift
ALN Accounting Line Number
ALR Airland Resupply
ALRI Indonesian Navy
ALUSLO US Naval Liaison Officer
ALUSNA US Naval Attache for Air
AM Alert Message; Amplitude Modulation
AMA Air Material Area
AMB Ambassador
AMC Army Materiel Command
AMCONGEN American Consulate General
AMCONSUL American Consul
AMD Air Movement Designator
AMEMB American Embassy
AMF Australian Military Forces
AMFPA Air Material Force Pacific Area
Amphib Amphibious
AMS Army Map Service
Amt Amount
ANFE Aircraft Non-Flying-Electronics
ANGLICO Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company
ANMCC Alternate National Military Command Center
AN/TSQ-51J Air Defense Fire Distribution System
ANZAM Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia
ANZUS Australia, New Zealand, United States
AO Oiler
AOB Air Order of Battle
AOC Air Operation Center
AOCP Aircraft out of Commission for Parts
AOD Aviation Operating Detachment
AOG Auxiliary Oil and Gasoline Tanker
AP Transport Ship
APA Attack Transport
APACL Asian Peoples Anti-Communist League
APC Armored Personnel Carrier
APD High speed transport
APL Barracks Craft (non-self-propelled)
APRFE Air Procurement Region Far East
APSF Armed Public Security Force
AR Armed Recce; Army Regulation
ARADCOM Army Air Defense Command
ARDF Airborne Radio Direction Finding; Air Reconnaissance Detection Force
AREFS Air Refueling Squadron
ARFCOS Armed Forces Courier Service
ARG Amphibious Ready Group
ARGMA Army Rocket and Guided Missile Agency
ARK Royal Cambodian Army
ARL Landing Craft Repair Ship
Arm Armored
ARMA Army Attache
Armd Armed
ARPA Advance Research Projects Agency
ARPAC Army Pacific
ARS Air Rescue Service
ARRS Aerospace and Recovery Service; Air Rescue Squadron
Art Article
Arty Artillery
ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam
ASA Army Security Agency; Association for Southeast Asia
ASAP As soon as possible
ASAPAC Army Security Agency Pacific
ASCAC Antisubmarine Classification and Analysis Center
ASCAT Air Service Command Advisory Team
ASDF Air Staff Defense Force; Air Self Defense Force (Japan)
ASD(I&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics)
ASD/ISA Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
ASD(M) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower
ASDO Assistant Staff Duty Officer
ASESB Armed Services Explosive Safety Board
ASH Assault Support Helicopter
ASIF Airlift Service Industrial Fund
ASL Authorized Stock Level; Authorized Stockage List
ASMMCC Armed Services Medical Material Coordination Committee
ASP Annual Service Practice; Ammunition Supply Point
ASPAC Asian and Pacific Council
ASPB Assault Support Patrol Boat
ASPR Armed Services Procurement Regulation
ASOC Air Support Operation Center
ASR Available Supply Rate
ASROC Antisubmarine Rocket
ASRT Air Support Radar Team
Asst Assistant
ASTA Aerial Surveillance and Target Acquisition
ASTIA Armed Services Technical Information Agency
ASW Antisubmarine Warfare
ASWBPL Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratory
AT Artillery
ATA Actual time of arrival
ATAC Army Tank and Automotive Command
ATBAN Atomic Bargain Analysis Report
ATC Air Target Chart
Atchd Attached
ATCO Air Transportation Coordination Office
ATCU Air Transportable Communication Unit
ATDS Airborne Tactical Data System
ATF Amphibious Task Force; Fleet Ocean Tug
ATMP Air Target Materials Program
ATR Soviet Rescue Ocean Tug
ATRAN Automatic Terrain Recognition and Navigation (Guidance System)
ATSF Automatic Target Selection File
Aug Augment(ed); August
AURI Indonesian Air Force
AUS Australia
AUTHGRA Authority Granted
AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network
AUTOSEVOCOM Automatic Secure Voice Communications System
AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network
AUW Antiunderwater Warfare
AVGAS Aviation Gasoline
Avn Aviation
AVRK Cambodian Air Force
AW Automatic Weapons; All Weather (acft)
AWCS Automatic Weapon Control System; Air Weapons Control System
AWR Ammunition War Reserve
AWRL Ammo War Reserve Level
AWX All Weather Interceptor
BA Burmese Army
BAC Base Area Command
BADGE Base Air Defense Ground Environment (Japan)
BAF Burmese Air Force
BAHT Thailand Currency
BAIS Battlefield Airborne Illumination System
BAR Browning Automatic Rifle
BARC Barge - Amphibious Resupply Cargo
BAS Bomb Alarm System
BASIC Battlefield Area Surveillance & Integrated Communication
BBP Border Boundary Police (Thailand)
BC Body Count
BCT Battalion Combat Team
BDA Bomb damage assessment
Bde Brigade
BDL Beach Discharge Lighter
BDP Base development planning
BDST ARVN Military Intelligence Collection Company
BDSW British Defense Staff, Washington
BE Bombing Encyclopedia
BEF Battalion Expeditionary Force
BEG Brigade Engineer Group (USMC)
BG Brigadier General; Battle Group
BI Battalion Infantry
BIOS Biological Investigation of Space
BIRDIE Battery Integration and Radar Display
BLSG Brigade Logistic Support Group (USMC)
BLT Battalion Landing Team
BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System
Bmr Bomber
BMT Beginning Morning Nautical Twilight (24 min before sunrise)
BMU Beachmaster Unit
Bn Battalion
BN Burmese Navy
BOA Broad Ocean Area (PMR Use)
BOB Bureau of the Budget
BOD Beneficial Occupancy Date
Bomb Bomber
BOMREP Bombing Report
BOPD Bataan Ocean Petroleum Depot
BOQ Bachelor Officer Quarters
BOS Base Operating Support
BP Baghdad Pact
BPD Basic Planning Document (MAP)
BPP Border Patrol Police
Br Branch
Brig Gen Brigadier General
BRL Bomb Release Line
BRO Base Requirements Overseas
BRMC British Royal Marine Corps
BSA Beach Support Area
BSD Ballistic Systems Division
BSP Barisan Socialist Party (Leftist-Malaysia)
BSTS Battle Staff Teams
BSU Boat Support Unit
BTW Boat Wave
BUDOCKS Bureau of Yards and Docks
BUPERS Bureau of Naval Personnel
BUSANDA Bureau of Supply and Accounts
BUSHIPS Bureau of Ships
BUWEPS Bureau of Naval Weapons
BW Biological Warfare; Bango Whiplash
BWCC Bomb to Warhead Conversion Components
BWI Battle Wound Injury
CA Civil Affairs; Chinese Army; Civic Action; Heavy Cruiser
CAB Civil Affairs Branch
CAC Civic Action Centers
CACP Casualty Assistance Calls Program
CAF Chinese Air Force
CAFOB Combined Air Force Operating Base
CAG Civic Action Group; Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser
CALSU Combat Air Lift Support Unit
CAMRA Consolidated Air Mission Results Analysis
CAMTT Civil Affairs Mobile Training Team
CANCOMARPAC Canadian Commander Army Pacific
CANT Cantonment
CAO Coordinated Atomic Operations; Communications Allocation Order
CAOC Combat Air Operations Center
CAP Combat Air Patrol; Country Assistance
CAPT Captain
Car Carrier
CAR Commanders Availability Report
CAS Controlled American Source; Close Air Support
CASF Composite Air Strike Force(s)
CASS Country Assistance Strategy Statement
CAT Civil Air Transport
CATF Commander Amphibious Task Force
Cav Cavalry
CB Construction Battalion (Sea Bees)
CBMU Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit
CBR Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare
CBU Cluster Bomb Unit
CC Commercial Consumables
CCA Chinese Communist Army
CCACN CINCPAC Command and Control Alert/Conferencing Net
CCAF Chinese Communist Air Force
CCEWT Central Control Evaluation and Warning Team
CCF Corps Contingency Force; Chinese Communist Forces
CCG Combat Cargo Group
CCI Catalog of Completed Items "Target Materials"
C&CI Contingency & Confidential Intelligence
CCK Ching Chuan Kang
CCN Chinese Communist Navy
CCRDES Concept for a Radiological Detection System
CCRSFF Commander, Central Region SEATO Field Forces
CCTS Combat Crew Training School
CD Combat Developments
C&D Cover and Deception
CDC Control Data Corporation
CDI Control Director Intercept
CDNI Committee for the Defense National Interest
CDR Commander
CDTC Combat Development Test Center
C-E Communications-Electronics
CEC Civil Engineer Corps - Navy
CEI Communications Electronics Instruction
CEIP Communications -Electronics Implementation Plan
CENTO Central Treaty Organization
CEOI Communications Electronics Operating Instruction
CFS Contract Field Service
CG Commanding General; Civil Guard
CGUSARF TAIWAN Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Taiwan
CGUSARMAC Commanding General, US Army Material Command
CGUSARYIS /IXCORPS Commanding General, US Army Ryukyu Islands: IX Corps
CH Chief
CHAFSEC Chief Air Force Section
CHDLG INDONESIA Chief, Defense Liaison Group, Indonesia
CHICOM Chinese Communist
CHJUSMAG Chief, Joint United States Military Advisory Group - Country
CHMAAG Chief Military Assistance Advisory Group - Country
CHMEDT BURMA Chief, Military Equipment Delivery Team, Burma
CHMILTAG Chief Military Technical Advisory Group, Indonesia
CHMPO Chief Military Planning Office
CHNAVADGRU Chief Naval Advisory Group - Country
CHNAVSEC Chief Navy Section
CHOP Change Operational Control
CHPROVMAAGK Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group, Korea (Provisional)
CHUSAOSASF Chief United States Army Overseas Supply Agency, San Francisco
CHUSMSI Chief US Military Supply Mission India
CHWTO Chief, Western Pacific Transportation Office
CI Counterinsurgency; Counterintelligence
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIB Command Information Bureau
CIC Combat Information Center
CIDG Civilian Irregular Defense Group; Current Intelligence Digest
CIGCOREP Counter Infiltration - Counter Guerrilla Concept and Requirement Plan
CIIC Current Intelligence Indication Center
CIM Communication Improvement Memo
CINC Commander in Chief
CINCAL Commander in Chief Alaska
CINCEUR Commander in Chief Europe
CINCFES Commander in Chief Far East Station (British)
CINCLANT Commander in Chief Atlantic
CINCLANTFLT Commander in Chief, United States Atlantic Fleet
CINCMEAFSA Commander in Chief Middle East, Southern Asia, Africa South of the Sahara
CINCNELM Commander in Chief US Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
CINCNORAD Commander in Chief North American Air Defense Command
CINCPAC Commander in Chief Pacific
CINCPACAF Commander in Chief Pacific Air Force
CINCPACFLT Commander in Chief United States Pacific Fleet
CINCPACREP Commander in Chief Pacific Representative
CINCPACSTAFFINSTR Commander in Chief Pacific Staff Instruction
CINCSAC Commander in Chief Strategic Air Command
CINCSTRIKE Commander in Chief of the Strike Command
CINCUNC Commander in Chief United Nations Command
CINCUSARPAC Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific
CIP Counterinsurgency Plan
CIRADS Counterinsurgency Research and Development Symposium
CIRVIS Communication Involving Restricted Visual Information Sightings
CIVACTGP Civic Action Group
CIVAD Civil Administrator
CIVC Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam
CJCS Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJOEP Coordinated Joint Outline Emergency Plan
CJTF Commander Joint Task Force
CL Combat and Liaison; Light Cruiser
CLF Commander Landing Force
CLIP Country Logistics Improvements Plan
Cmbt Combat
CMC Commandant Marine Corps
Cmd Command
Cmdo Commando
CMF Citizens Military Force (Australia)
CMPO Chief, SEATO Military Planning Office
CMSO Chief Japanese Maritime Staff Office
CN Chinese Navy
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
CO Commanding Officer
COACT Combat Air Activity Reports
COAMS Computerization of Army Movement Schedules
COB Close of Business
COC CINCPAC Operation Center; Combat Operations Center
CODEL Congressional Delegate/Delegation
COD Flight Carrier on Board Delivery Flight
COFRAM Control Fragmentation Munitions
CofS Chief of Staff
COGARD Coast Guard
COGL Symbol for Medical Material
COI Communications Operating Instruction
COIN Counterinsurgency
COL Colonel
COM Commander
COMASWFORPAC Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Force U. S. Pacific Fleet
COMBARPAC Commander Barrier Pacific
Combt Combat
Comd Command
COMINT Communications Intelligence
Comm/Elect Communications /Electronics
COMNAVFOR Commander Naval Forces
COMNAVFORJAP Commander, US Naval Forces, Japan
COMNAVMARIANAS Commander, US Naval Forces, Marianas
Comp Composite
COMPHIBGRU Commander Amphibious Group
COMPRADCO Composite Radio Company
Compt Comptroller
COMSAT Communications Satellite
COMSEC Communications Security
COMSTS Commander Military Sea Transportation Service
COMSTSFE Commander, Military Sea Transportation Service, Far East
COMSTSSEA Commander, Military Sea Transportation Service Southeast Asia
COMTAIWANPATFOR Commander, Taiwan Patrol Force
COMUS Commander, United States Forces
COMUSARJAPAN Commander, United States Army, Japan
COMUSJAPAN Commander, United States Forces, Japan
COMUSKOREA Commander, United States Forces, Korea
COMUSMACTHAI Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand
COMUSMACV Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
COMUSNAVSO Commander, US Naval Forces, South
COMUSSEASIA Commander, United States Forces, Southeast Asia
COMUSTDC Commander, United States Forces, Taiwan Defense Command
COMWESTAF Commander Western Transport Air Force (Travis AFB)
CONARC Continental Army Command
CONEFO Conference of New Emergency Forces
CONELRAD Control of Electro-Magnetic Radiations
Const Construction
CONUS Continental United States
COPRL Command Operational Priority List "Target Materials"
COS Chief of Staff
COSAL Consolidated Ship's Allowance List
COSTAR Combat Service to the Army
COUSSF (P) Commanding Officer US Special Forces (Provisional)
CP Command Post
CPA Closest Point of Approach
CPFF Cost-plus-fixed-fee
CPFL Contingency Planning Facilities Lists
CPR Chinese Peoples Republic (Communist China)
CPRC Combined Personnel Recovery Center
CPSVN Comprehensive Plan South Vietnam
CPX Command Post Exercise
CR Command Representative; Communication Representative
CRA Continuing Resolution Authority
CRAE Combat Readiness Assessment Exercise
CRB Cam Ranh Bay
CRC Control and Reporting Center
CRCC Central Rural Construction Command; Communist Rebel Combat Captives
CRITIC Critical Intelligence Report
CROWN Death Report
CRP Chinese Peoples Republic; Control and Reporting Post; Coordinated Reconnaissance Plan
CRSFF Central Region SEATO Field Forces
CS Control Slip used on the CINCPAC Staff to control correspondence; A riot control agent
C/S Chief of Staff
CSA Chief of Staff, Army
CSAF Chief of Staff, Air Force
CSBPD CINCPAC Supplement to DOD Basic Planning Document
CSC Coastal Surveillance Center
CSE Committee of Security Experts
CSFF Commander SEATO Field Forces
CSFOD Combined Special Forces Operational Detachment
CSL Combat Support Liaison
CSMAM CINCPAC Supplement to the Military Assistance Manual
CSMP Current Ship's Maintenance Project
CSP Committed to Scheduled Programs; Concurrent Spare Parts
CT Country Team
CTF Commander Task Force
CTF 77 Commander, Attack Carrier Striking Force, Seventh Fleet
CTFC Communications Technical Control Facility
CTG Commander Task Group
CTG 31.7 Commander Panama Section, Western Sea Frontier
Ctrl Control
CTSP Contract Technical Service Personnel
CTZ Corps Tactical Zone
CULT Common User Land Transportation
CURTS Common User Radio Transmission Sounding
CUS Course (Ships)
CUWTF Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force
CVA Attack Aircraft Carrier
CVA(N) Attack Aircraft Carrier (Nuclear propulsion)
CVS Antisubmarine Support Aircraft Carrier
CVW Carrier Air Wing
CW Cold War; Chemical Warfare; Continuous Wave
CWAG Cold War Activities Group
CWF Current Working Estimate
CWO Communications Watch Officer
Cx Canceled
CY Calendar Year
DA Department of the Army
Da Damaged
DAAR Daily Air Activity Report
DAC Department of the Army Civilian; Development Assistance Committee
DACCC Defense Area Communication Control Center
DACE DA Alternate Command/Control Element
DAFD Department of Army Forward Depot
DAIS Defense Automatic Integrated Switch
DAN Deployment Adjustment Notification
DAO Defense Attache Office
DAR Deployment Adjustment Request
DASA Defense Atomic Support Agency
DASC Direct Air Support Center
DASE Defense Against Sound Equipment
DASH Drone Antisubmarine Helicopter
DASO Demonstration and Shakedown Operation
DAST Direct Air Support Team
DATAFAX Secure Data Facsimile System
DATOS Detection and Tracking of Satellites
DATT Defense Attache
DBL Database List; Damage Before Launch
DCA Defense Communications Agency
DC/GCI Direction Center-Ground Controlled Intercept
DCI Department of Central Intelligence. (Thai)
DCM Deputy Chief of Mission
DC of S Deputy Chief of Staff
DCPG Defense Communications Planning Group
DCS Defense Communication System
DCSLOG Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics
DD Destroyer
DDCA Director Defense Communications Agency
DDD Direct Distance Dialing
DDEP Defense Development Exchange Program
DDR&E Director, Defense Research and Engineering
DE Escort Ship
DEA Data Exchange Agreement
DECEM Defense Communications-Electronics
Def Defense
DEFCON Defense Condition
DEFENSE Department of Defense
Defol Defoliation
DEMS Defense Equipment of Merchant Ships
Dep Deputy
DEPCH Deputy Chief
DEPEX NIKE-X Deployment Study
DEPTAR Department of the Army
DEPUTY CHJUSMAG Deputy Chief, Joint United States Military Advisory Group
DER Radar Picket Escort Ship
Det Detachment
DEW Distant Early Warning
DF Diverted Force; Diesel Fuel
DFA(Phil) Department of Foreign Affairs
DFE Division Force Equivalent
DFSC Defense Fuel Supply Center
DGZ Desired Ground Zero
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIANE Digital Integrated Attack Navigation System
DICS Taiwan Down-Island Communication System
DINS Directorate for Inspection Services (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Administration)
Dir Director
DIRLAUTH Direct Liaison Authorized
DIRM Defense Intelligence Requirement Manual
DIRNSA Director, National Security Agency
DIRWSEG Director Weapons Systems Evaluation Group
Disc Discontinue
DISTAD District Administrator
DISUM Daily Intelligence Summary
Div Division
DIW Dead in Water
DLF Development Loan Fund
DLG Defense Liaison Group
DMSC Defense Medical Supply Center
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
DNBI Disease and Non-Battle Injury
DNC Directorate of National Coordination; Director of Naval Communications
DNI Director, Naval Intelligence
DOB Status Dispersed Operating Base Status
DOCA Defense Orientation Conference Association
DOD Department of Defense
DODDAC Department of Defense Damage Assessment
DODEP Department of Defense Exercise Planning
DODPRO Department of Defense, Pacific Research Office
DOS Days of Supply
DPRK Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (Communist)
DPSC Defense Petroleum Supply Center
DRC Democratic Republic of China
DRCCC-FE Defense Regional Communications Control Center, Far East
DRCCC-SEA Defense Regional Communications Control Center, Southeast Asia
DRV Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North)
DS Defense Support; Direct Support
DSA Defense Supply Agency
DSP Democrat Socialist Party Japan
DSSC Defense Subsistence Supply Center
DSTP Director of Strategic Target Planning
DSTPS Director of Strategic Target Planning Staff (Offutt AFB)
DTA Division Tactical Areas
DTC Desert Test Center
DTG Date Time Group
DTS Diplomatic Telecommunications System
DV Distinguished Visitor
EA Escort Aircraft
EAC Emergency Action Console
EACC Emergency Alternate Command Center
EAF Emergency Actions File
EAM Electronic Accounting Machine
EASTAF Eastern Transport Air Force (McGuire AFB, NJ)
EBR Emergency Bomb Release
EC Escort Convoy
ECAD Engineer Construction Advisor Detachment
ECB Engineer Construction Battalion
ECBS Engineer Combat Battalions
ECC Emergency Control Center
ECCM Electronic Counter Countermeasures
ECCOIL Eastern Construction Company in Laos
ECM Electronic Countermeasures
ECP Engineering Change Proposal
EDCS Extended Defense Communication System
EDFE Engineer District Far East
EDP Electronic Data Processing; Equipment Deadline Parts
EDPAC Estimated Departure from Pacific
EDPS Electronic Data Processing System
EDR Experimental Development Requirements
E&E Escape and Evasion or Evasion and Escape
EEI Essential Elements of Information
EFTO Encrypted for Transmission Only
EGA East German Army
EG PACOM Environmental Group, Pacific Command
EH Escort Helicopter
EIC Exercise Intelligence Center
EIP Economic Inventory Procedure
EIR Equipment Improvement Recommendation
ELE Engine Lifetime Expectancy
Elec Electronics
Elem Element
ELG European Liaison Group
ELINT Electronics Intelligence
EM Emergency Message
EM/AM Emergency Message; Alert Message
EMATS Emergency Message Automatic Transmissions System
EMCON Emission Control
Emerg Emergency
EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference
Encl Enclosure
Eng Engineer
Engr Engineer
EOB Electronic Order of Battle
EOD Estimated Operational Date
EOQ Economic Order Quantity
E&P Exercise & Plans
EPG Eniwetok Proving Ground
Eqp Equipment
ERBM Extended Range Ballistic Missile
EROP Executive Review, Overseas Program
ERSFF Eastern Region SEATO Field Forces
ES Escort Ships
ESI Extremely Sensitive Information
ESSA Environmental Science Services Administration
Est Estimate
ESWL Estimated Surface Wheel Load
ET Escort Trains
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETAT Education and Training Advisory Team
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
EUSA Eighth United States Army
Evac Evacuation
Eval Evaluate
EW Electronic Warfare; Early Warning
EWOTS Early Warning Observation Teams
EWT Evaluation and Warning Team
EXA Executing Agency Identifier
EXDIR Exercise Director
Exec Executive
FA Field Artillery; Forces Armees; Flag Allowance; Special Forces Opns Team (2 Officers 10
FAA Federal Aviation Agency
FAC Forward Air Control; Facility(s)
FAD Force Activity Designator; Force Activity Director
FAE Field Advisory Element
FAFWC Fuchu Air Force Weather Central
FAIAU Fleet Air Intelligence Augmenting Unit
F/AIF Field Automated Intelligence File
FAL Forces Armees Laotiannes (Federated Army of Laos) (Friendly Force of Gen
FALCON An air-to-air Guided Missile
FALLEX Fall Exercises
FAMF Floating Aircraft Maintenance Facility
FAN Forces Armees Neutralist
FAPS Foreign Affairs Programming System
FAPUSMCEB Joint Frequency Allocation Panel Military Communications Electronics Board
FAR Forces Armees du Royaume (Royal Armed Forces of Laos)
FARELF Far East Land Forces
FARK Forces Armee Royal Khmere (Cambodian Army)
FAST Forward Air Strike Task
FAU Frequency, Allocation and Uses
FB Special Forces Control Team (6 Officers and 17 EM) (Controls two or more FA's)
FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FBM Fleet Ballistic Missile
FCC Federal Communications Commission
Fcst Forecast
FEAREA Far East Area
FEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area
FEC Far East Command
FELG Far East Liaison Group
FEN Far East Network
FEPI Filipino Employment Policy Instruction
FFAR Folding Fin Aircraft Rockets
FFD Forward Floating Depot
FFORCEV Field Force(s) Vietnam
FFV Field Force Vietnam
FIAB Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
FICPAC Fleet Intelligence Center Pacific
FIINS Federal Item Identification Numbers
FIS Fighter Interceptor Squadron
FLF Friendly Laotian Forces
FLT Fleet; Flight
FMAW First Marine Air Wing
FMD Frequency Management
FMFPAC Fleet Marine Force Pacific
FMM French Military Mission
FMS Foreign Military Sales
FMSO Fleet Materiel Support Office
FMT Foreign Military Training
F/O Force Objective
FOB Forward Operating Base
FOCAF Flag Officer, Commander Her Majesty's Australian Fleet
FOCCPAC Fleet Operation Control Center, Pacific
FOEU Foreign Organizational Employee Union
FOG Flow of Gold
FOIC Flag Officer in Charge
FOMIN Foreign Minister
FONECON Telephone Conversation
FOOT Follow-on Operational Tests
FORSTAT Force Status Report
FOS Follow on Spares
FOUO For Official Use Only
FPG Force Planning Guide
FPSO Forms and Publications Supply Office
FRAM Fleet Repair and Modernization
FRG Federal Republic of Germany
FRN Force Requirements Number
FROG Free Rocket Over Ground
FROKA First Republic of Korea Army
FSCC Fire Support Coordination Center
FSL Foreign Service Local
FSN Federal Stock Number
FSR Force Service Regiment
FTB Field Team Bulletin
FTD Foreign Technology Division (USAF)
FTM French Training Mission
Ftr Fighter
FTS Field Training Service
FTT Field Training Team
FULRO Front Unifie de la Lutte de la Race Opprime (United Front for the Struggle of Oppressed Races)
[Montagnard tribal organization in South Vietnam]
Fwd Forward
FWMA Free World Military Assistance
FWMAF Free World Military Assistance Forces
FY Fiscal Year
FYI For Your Information
GAO General Accounting Office
GAM Guided Air Missile
GAR Guided Air Rocket
GCA Ground Controlled Approach
GCI Ground Controlled Intercept
GDF Ground Diverted Force
GDR German Democratic Republic
GEEIA Ground Environment Electronic Installation Agency; Ground Electric Engineering Instruction Agency
Gen General
GEOP General Emergency Operations Plan
GEOREF Geographic Reference
GHQ General Headquarters
GM Group Mobile
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GNP Gross National Product
GOA Government of Australia
GOB Government of Burma
GOI Government of Indonesia
GOJ Government of Japan
GOM Government of Malaysia
GOP Government of the Philippines
GOPL General Outpost Line
GOS Government of Singapore
Gp Group
GPV General Purpose Vehicle
GPWD General Political Warfare Department
GRC Government of the Republic of China
GSA General Services Administration
GSDF Ground Self Defense Force (Japan)
GSSF General Supplies Stock Fund
GUB Government, Union of Burma
GVN Government of the Republic of Vietnam
GW Guerrilla Warfare
HAJC Hawaiian Area Joint Committee
HA(L) Helicopter Attack Squadron (Light)
HANG Hawaii Air National Guard
HARNG Hawaii Army National Guard
HAWTEL Hawaiian Telephone Company
HC Helicopter Combat Support Squadron
Hcptr Helicopter
HDC Helicopter Direction Center
HE High Explosive
HED Headquarters
HEDSUPPACT Headquarters Support Activity
HEI High Explosive Incendiary
Helo Helicopter
HES Hamlet Evaluation System
HF High Frequency
HFP Hostile Fire Pay
HHG Household Goods
HICOM High Commissioner
HICOMTERPACIS High Commissioner Trust Territory Pacific Islands
HIGH HEELS VI Worldwide Command Post Exercise
HIP Habitability Improvement Program
HIPAR High Powered Acquisition Radar
HIRAN High Range Navigation
HIS Heliborne Illumination System
Hist History
Hist Br History Branch
Hist Off History Officer
HJ Honest John (Surface-to-Surface Missile)
HMCS Her Majesty's Canadian Ship
HMH Marine Helicopter Squadron (Heavy)
HMM Marine Helicopter Squadron (Medium)
HMO Honolulu Magnetic Observatory
HMS Her Majesty's Ship
H&MS Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron
HNG Hawaii National Guard
HOB Height of Burst
Hon Honorable
HONO Honolulu
How Howitzer
Hq Headquarters
HQUSAF Headquarters United States Air Force
HS Helicopter Squadron
HSAS Headquarters Support Activity - Saigon
HST Helicopter Support Team
HUK Hunter Killer Group
HUKS Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan, (People’s Liberation Army, Philippines)
HUMINT Human Resources Intelligence
HWPB Heavy Weather Patrol Boats
Hwy Highway
IADB Inter-American Defense Board
IADPG Intelligence Automatic Data Processing Group
IANCA Inter-American Naval Coordinating Authority
IAW In Accordance With
IBDA Intermediate Bomb Damage Assessment
IBM International Business Machine Company
IBOP International Balance of Payment
ICA International Cooperation Administration
ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
ICC International Control Commission
ICE Index of Combat Effectiveness
ICF Intelligence Contingency Funds
ICNND Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense
ICP Inventory Control Point
ICRC International Committee Red Cross
IDA Intrusion Detection Alarm
IDCSP Initial Defense Communications Satellite Project; Interim Defense Communications Satellite Plan
IDCSS Initial Defense Communications Satellite System
IDF Inflight Diverted Force
IDHS Intelligence Data Handling System
IDP Internal Defense Plans
IECS Intelligence Evaluation Center (Saigon)
IEG Imperial Ethiopian Government
IF Irregular Force
IFF Identification, friend or foe
IFS Inshore Fire Support
IJBS Integrated Joint Broadband System
ILN International Logistics and Negotiations
IMA Initial Military Assistance
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMHQ International Military Headquarters
IMR Initial Missile Report
INCREP Incident Report
Ind Indorsement
INDMAN Industrial Manager
Inf Infantry
Info Information
INFOREP Information Report
INSC Internal Shape Components
INSURV Inspection and Survey
Int Interceptor
INTBUL Intelligence Bulletin
Intcp Interceptor
Intel Intelligence
INTELSAT II Intelligence Satellite
INTSUM Intelligence Summary
Intv Interview
IOC Initial Operational Capability
IOL Initial Outfitting List
IP Initial Point
IPIR Immediate Photo Interpretation Reports
IR Infra-Red
I&R Intelligence and Reconnaissance
IRAN Inspect and Repair as Necessary
IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
IRC Indications Review Committee
IROL Imagery Reconnaissance Objectives List
ISA International Security Agency
ISC Infiltration Surveillance Center
ISP Internal Security Plan
ISSA Interservice Support Agreement
ISSC Interservice Supply Support Committee
ISSL Initial Spares Support List
ISSSC Interservice Supply Support Sub-Committee
ITACS Integrated Tactical Air Control System
ITO Invitational/Individual Travel Order
ITT Interrogation-Translation Team
IUW Inshore Undersea Warfare
IWCS Integrated Wideband Communications System
IWG Intelligence Working Group
JAAF Joint Action Armed Forces
JACC Joint Alternate Command Center
JACE Joint Alternate Command Element
JAEIC Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Center
JANAFPAC Joint Army, Navy, Air Force, Pacific General Message (Serially Numbered)
JANAP Joint Army, Navy, Air Force Publication
JAOC Joint Air Operations Center
JAS Joint Administrative Services
JASDF Japanese Air Self Defense Force
JATF Joint Amphibious Task Force
JCA Joint Communications Agency
JCCDG Joint Chiefs of Staff Command and Control Development Group
JCCRG Joint Command and Control Requirements Group
JCEAG Joint Civilian Employee Advisory Group
JCECPAC Joint Communications -Electronics Committee, Pacific
JCEG Joint Concepts and Evaluation Group
JCGRO Joint Central Graves Registration Office
JCI Joint Communications Instruction
JCP Japanese Communist Party
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JCSAN Joint Chiefs of Staff Alert Network
JCSM Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum
JCSPF Joint Cubi Point Photographic Facilities
JDA Japan Defense Agency
JECFE Joint Coordination Center, Far East
JEIT Joint Equipment Identification Team
JEPAP Joint Emergency Personnel Augmentation Plan
JFY Japanese Fiscal Year
JGS Joint General Staff (Vietnam)
JGSDF Japanese Ground Self Defense Force
JGWTC Jungle & Guerrilla Warfare Training Center
JHWC Joint Hurricane Warning Center
JIB Joint Intelligence Bureau
JMAAD Joint Military Assistance Affairs Division
JMG Joint Meteorological Group
JMP Joint Manpower Program
JMPAB Joint Materiel Priorities Allocations Board
JMSDF Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force
JMTB Joint Military Transportation Board
JNP Joint Nuclear Plot
JNR Japanese National Railroad
Jnt Joint
JOC Joint Operations Center
JOCARG Joint Wideband Circuit Allocation and Requirement Group, Thailand
JOEG-V Joint Operational Evaluation Group - Vietnam
JOREP Joint Operational Reporting
JP Joint Pacific
JP4 Jet Fuel
JP5 Jet Fuel
JPO Joint Petroleum Office
JPV Joint Pacific Voice
JRATA Joint Research and Test Activity
JRC Joint Reconnaissance Center
JS Joint Staff
JSARC Joint Search and Rescue Center
JSC Joint Staff Council (Japanese)
JSCM Joint Service Commendation Medal
JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
JSDF Japan Self Defense Force
JSOP Joint Strategic Objectives Plan
JSP Japan Socialist Party
JSRK Jeunesse Socialiste Royale Khmer (Cambodia)
JSTPS Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff
JTB PACOM Joint Transportation Board
JTD Joint Table of Distribution
JTF Joint Task Force
JTG Joint Task Group
JTIG Joint Target Intelligence Group
JTMB Joint Transportation Movements Board
JUSMAG Joint United States Military Advisory Group
JUSMAGPHIL Joint United States Military Advisory Group, Philippines
JUSPAO Joint United States Public Affairs Office
JUWTF Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force
JWGA Joint War Games Agency
JWGCG Joint War Games Control Group
JWR Joint War Room (JCS)
JWRA Joint War Room Annex
KADS Korea Air Defense System
KANZUS Korea, Australia, New Zealand and the United States
KBA Killed by Air
KCAC Korean Civil Action Corps
KIA Killed in Action
KIP Laotian Currency
KKK Khmer Kampuchea Krom
KKO Indonesia Marine Corps
KL Kong Le
KLP Korean Labor Party (Communist)
KLSC Korean Logistic Service Corps
KMC South Korean Marine Corps
KOCCCG Kunia Operations Control Center Coordination Group
KOCO Korea Oil Corporation
KOSCO Korea Oil Storage Company
KSC Korean Service Corps
Kw Kilowatt
KY-9 Secure Voice Communication
LAAM Light Antiaircraft Missile (Bn)
LABS Low Altitude Bombing System
LAMP Laos Ammunition Procedures
LANSHIPRON Landing Ship Squadron
LANTFLT US Atlantic Fleet
LAPES Low Altitude Parachute Ejection System
LARA Light Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft
LARC Lighter, Amphibious, Resupply, Cargo (Amphibious Craft)
LAS Long Range Assistance Strategy
LAW Light anti-tank weapon
LBR Local Base Rescue
LBS Liberation Broadcasting Station
LCM Landing Craft Medium
LCPL Landing Craft Personnel, Large
LCU Landing Craft Utility
LCVP Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel
LDP Liberal Democratic Party (Japan)
LF Low Frequency
LFS Landing Force Support
LFT Light Fire Team
LLVMA Light Light Support Counterinsurgency Aircraft
LNF Local National Forces (SEATO Term)
LOC Lines of Communication
LOFAR Low Frequency Analysis and Recording Equipment
LOG Logistics
LOGAIR Logistical Air
LOGREQ Logistic Requirements
LOH Light Observation Helicopter
LORAN Long Range Navigation
LOTS Logistics Over the Shore
LOYAL Wounded Report
LPD Landing Platform, Deck
LPH Landing Platform Helicopter
LPK Lao Pen Kang (Laotian Neutralist Party)
LPLA Lao Peoples Liberation Army
LP&P Logistics Policy and Procedures
LRA Long Range Aviation
LRC Logistics Readiness Center
LSA Logistic Support Area
LSD Dock Landing Ship
LSIL Landing Ship
LSM Medium Landing Ship
LSMR Landing Ship Medium Rocket
LSSL Support Landing Ship (Large)
LST Tank Landing Ship
Lt Light
LTC Lieutenant Colonel
Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel
LTG Lieutenant General
Lt Gen Lieutenant General
Ltr Letter
LVT Landing Vehicle Track
LWR Local Wage Rate
MA Military Assistance
MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group
MAAMA Middletown Air Material Area
MAB Marine Amphibious Brigade
MABPD Military Assistance Basic Planning Document
MABS Marine Air Base Squadron
MAC Military Airlift Command; Military Assistance Command
MACSOG Military Assistance Command Studies and Observation Group
MACV Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
MAE Mean Area of Effectiveness
MAF Marine Amphibious Force
MAG Marine Air Group
MAGARLM Military Assistance Advisory Group, Army Branch, Logistics-Medical
MAI Military Assistance Institute
MAJCOM Major Commands
Maj Gen Major General
MAM Military Assistance Manual
MAP Military Assistance Program (Plan)
MAPETT Military Assistance Program Evaluation Team, Thailand
MAPLA Military Assistance Program Liaison Agency
MAPOM Military Assistance Program Owned Material
MAPT Military Assistance Program Training; Military Assistance Program Transfer
MAR US Marine Corps
MARBO Mariana-Bonin Islands
MARBRIG Marine Brigade
MARCOMNAVADGRU Marine Corps Component Navy Advisory Group
Mar Corps Marine Corps
MARS Marine Aircraft Repair Squadron
MAS Military Airlift Squadron; Military Assistance Sales
MASF Military Assistance Service Funded
MASH Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
MASL Military Assistance Program Articles and Services List
MASO Military Assistance Sales Order
MATA Military Assistance Training Advisor
MATP Military Assistance Training Program
MAW Marine Air Wing; Military Airlift Wing
MBA Military Base Agreement
MBPA Military Blood Program Agency
Mbr Member
MCB Mobile Construction Battalion
MCC Movement Control Center
MCEB Military Communication-Electronics Board
MC&G Mapping, Charting and Geodesy
MCM Manual for Courts-Martial
MCN MAP Control Number
MCON (MILCON) Military Construction
MCP Malayan Communist Party
MCU Mountain Commando Units
MDAA Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement
MDB Mutual Defense Board (US-Philippines)
MDC MAP Data Center
MDCS Mission Data Collection Sheets
MDL Military Demarcation Line
MDRAF Mekong Delta Riverine Assault Force
MDU Mobile Development Units (Thailand)
MEA Minister External Affairs
MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade
MEBLEX Marine Expeditionary Brigade Landing Exercise
Mech Mechanized
Med Medium
MEDCAP Medical Civic Action Program
MEDT Military Equipment Delivery Team (Burma)
MEE Military Essential Equipment
MEECN Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Net
MEF Minimum Essential Force; Marine Expeditionary Force
MELG Mid-East Liaison Group
Memo Memorandum
MEO Tribal Group in Laos
MER Multiple Ejection Racks
METASCOPE Instrument to Detect Infra-red Rays
METU Mobile Electronics Technical Unit
MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit
MFP Master Force Plan (Thailand)
MG Major General
MGD Military Geographic Documentation
MGRS Military Grid Reference System
MHE Materiel Handling Equipment
Mi Missile
MICC Military Information Control Committee
MICS Military Integrated Communications System
MIDAS Missile Detection Alert System
MIDEFO Mission Debrief Forms
MIEC Military Intelligence Exchange Center
Mil Military
MILA Medical Information & Intelligence Agency
MILAD Military Advisor (SEATO or ANZUS Council)
MILADREP Military Advisors Representative
MILBA Military Base Agreement
MILCON Military Construction
MILSTAG Military Standardization Agreement
MILSTAMP Military Standard Transportation & Movement Procedures
MILSTRIP Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
MILTAG Military Technical Advisory Group (Indonesia)
MINIMIZE A Term Used to Control Message Communications when a State of Emergency Exists
MIP Materiel Improvement Program
MIUWSU Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Surveillance Unit
MLI Minimum Line of Interception
MLS Mobile Logistic Support
MMC Minelayer, Coastal
MMPC Mobilization Materiel Procurement Capability
MMRBM Mobile Medium Range Ballistic Missile
MMR&S Military Medical Research & Services Program
MMSA Military Medical Supply Agency
MND Ministry of National Defense
MOB Main Operating Base
MOBCON Mobilization Construction
MOBEX Mobility Exercise
MOC Ministry of Communications
MOD Ministry of Defense
MOGAS Gasoline, Automotive
MOL Manned Orbiting Laboratory
MOMAC Monkey Mountain Advisory Center
MOREST Mobile Arresting Gear (acft landing strip gear)
MOT Ministry of Transportation
MOTBA Military Ocean Terminal, Bay Area
MOTU Mobile Ordnance Technical Unit
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MOVECAP Movement Capabilities
MP Military Police
MPC Military Payment Certificate
MPI Ministry of Public Information
MPO Military Planning Office (SEATO)
MPR Mongolian Peoples Republic
MPS Military Planning Staff
M/R Memorandum for the Record; Military Reserve
MRBM Medium Range Ballistic Missile
MRC Military Revolutionary Council; Movement Report Center
MRI MILSTRIP Routing Indicator
MRK Royal Cambodian Navy
MRO Movement Report Office
MSB Maritime Safety Board (Japan); Mine Sweeping Boat
MSC Minesweeper, Coastal (non-magnetic)
MSDF Maritime Staff Defense Force
MSEG Missile Systems Evaluation Group
MSF Minesweeper, Fleet (steel hull)
MSG Mobile Support Group; Message
MSI Minesweeper
Msl Missile
MSMS Mutual Security Military Sales
MSO Maritime Self-Defense Office (Japanese Naval Staff)
MSOP Mutual Security Objectives Plan
MSP Mutual Security Program
MSR Main Supply Route
MST Mobile Support Team
MSTS Military Sea Transportation Service
MSTSO Military Sea Transport Service Officer
Mt Mountain
MTA Mobile Training Assistance
MTB Motor Torpedo Boat
MTDS Marine Tactical Data System
MTMTS Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service
MTT Mobile Training Team
MTU Mobile Training Unit
MUST Manpower Utilization Survey Team
MUX Multiplex Equipment
MWDP Military Weapons Development Plans
MWHG Marine Wing Headquarters Group
MWSG Marine Wing Service Group
NAD Naval Ammunition Depot
NADAC Pacific Command North Vietnam Air Defense Analysis and Coordinating Group
NADAR No After Duty Action Required
NAF Naval Air Facility
NAFA Non-Appropriated Fund Activity
NAFEC National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center (Atlantic City)
NAG Naval Advisory Group
NAMRU Naval Medical Research Unit
NAMTC Naval Air Missile Test Center (Pt Mugu, Calif)
NAN No Action Necessary
NANAC National Aircraft Noise Abatement Council
NARC National Army Revolutionary Committee/Council (Laos)
NAS Naval Air Station
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASAR North American Search and Ranging Radar
Nat National
Natl National
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATOPS Naval Air Training & Operating Procedures
NATTU Naval Air Technical Training Unit
NAVADGRU Naval Advisory Group
NAVAIR Naval Air
NAVBEACHGRU Naval Beach Group
NAVCON Naval Countermeasures
NAVCOSSACT Naval Command Systems Support Activity
NAVFOR Naval Forces
NAVFORV Naval Forces, Vietnam
NAVIC Naval Information Center
NAVOCEANO Naval Oceanographic Office
NAVOPNET Naval Operations Net
NAVSECGRU Naval Security Group
NAW Non All Weather
NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
NBL Nuclear Bomb Line
NCC Naval Component Command
NCI Nuclear Capability Inspection
NCO Non Commissioned Officer; Non Combatant Evacuation Order
NCR National Constabulary Study
NCS National Communication System; Net Control Station
NCSORG Naval Control Shipping Organization
NDTA National Defense Transportation Association
NEA Northeast Asia
NEACP National Emergency Airborne Command Post
NEC Navy Enlisted Classification/Naval Exercise Coordinator
NECPA National Emergency Command Post Afloat
NEFA Northeast Frontier Agency (India)
NEFOS New Emerging Forces
NEGDF Naval Emergency Ground Defense Forces
NESEP Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program
NEWZAD New Zealand Army Detachment
NFSO Navy Fuel Supply Officer
NGF Naval Gunfire
NHM Non Hostile Missing
NICP National Inventory Control Point (CONUS)
NIE National Intelligence Estimate
NIKE Surface-to-air Missile
NIPS National Military Command System Information Processing System
NIS National Intelligence Survey
NK North Korea
NKA North Korean Army
NKAF North Korean Air Force
NKN North Korean Navy
NLF National Liberation Front (Communist in SVN)
NLH New Lao Hak (Lao Patriotic Front). Variants: NLHS, HLHZ for Sat and Zat respectively.
NLT Not Later Than
NM Nautical Mile
NMCB Navy Mobile Construction Battalion
NMCC National Military Command Center
NMCS National Military Command System
NMCSSC National Military Control System Support Center
NMFRL Naval Medical Field Research Lab
NNC Neutral Nations Committee
NNSC Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
NOA New Obligation Authority
NOBC Naval Officer Billet Classification
NOFORN Special Handling Required, Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals
NOP Naval Objectives Plan
NOR Number of Rounds
NORAD North American Air Defense Command
NORM Nuclear Ordinance Readiness Maneuver
NORS Non-Operational Ready Supplies
NOTAL Not to all
NOTS Naval Ordnance Test Station
NP National Police
NPA National Police Agency (Japan)
NPIC National Photographic Interpretation Center
NPP National Policy Paper
NPSS National Police and Security Service (RVN)
NRL Naval Research Laboratory
NSA National Security Agency
NSAM National Security Action Memorandum
NSAPAC National Security Agency Pacific
NSC National Security Council; Naval Supply Center
NSDL National Strategic DGZ List
NSFO Navy Special Fuel Oil
NSO National Security Organization (RTG)
NSTAP National Strategic Targeting and Attack Policy
NSTDB National Strategic Target Data Base
NSTL National Strategic Target List
NSWG Nuclear Safety Working Group
NTAP National Targeting and Attack Policy
NTDS Navy Tactical Data System
NTPL Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection
NUCAP Nuclear Capability Report
NUCREP Nuclear Report
NUDET Nuclear Detonation
NVA North Vietnamese Army
NVN North Vietnam
NWC Navy War College
NWIP Naval Warfare Information Publication
NWP Naval Warfare Publication
NWRS Nuclear Weapons Requirements Study
NWSB Nuclear Warfare Status Branch
NZ New Zealand
OA Operational Analysis
OAO Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
OAR Office of Aerospace Research
OAS Organization of American States
OASD Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
OASD/ISA Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense International Security Affairs
OASD(SA) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Analysis)
OB Order of Battle
OBE Overtaken by Events
Obsr Observe
OCB Operational Coordination Board
OCC Operations Control Center (Kunia)
OCE Officer Conducting the Exercise
OCMM Office of Civilian Manpower Management
OCS Officer Candidate School
ODMA Office of the Director of Military Assistance
OEG Operations Evaluation Group
OEM On equipment materiel
Off Officer
OHRI Overhaul (Recurrent/Removal) Item
OIC Officer in Charge
OICC Officer in Charge of Construction
OIP Operational Improvement Program
OIR Office of Industrial Relations
OISP Overseas Internal Security Program
OJT On the job training
OLDFOS Old Established Forces
O&M Operations and Maintenance
OMPF Official Military Personnel File
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
ONR Office of Naval Research
Op Operational
OPlans Operation Plans
Opns Operations
OPREP Operational Reporting
OPSUM Commander's Operational Summary
OPTEVFOR Operational (Training/Test) and Evaluation Force
O&R Overhaul and Repair
ORDALT Ordnance Alteration
ORI Operational Readiness Inspection
OSA Office of Special Activities; Overseas Supply Agency
OSAP Ocean Surveillance Air Patrol
OSASF Overseas Supply Agency, San Francisco
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSE Officer Scheduling the Exercise
OSI Offshore Islands; Office of Special Investigation
OSIR Out of Service in Reserve
OSO Ordnance Supply Office
OSP Off-shore Procurement
OSPJ Off-shore Procurement (Japan)
OST Operational Suitability Test
OTA Other than Air
OTAD Overseas Terminal Arrival Date
OTC Officer in Tactical Command
OTSR Optimum Track Ship Routing
OUSA Office of U.S. Army
OUSAIRA Office of the United States Air Attache
OUSARMA Office of the U. S. Army Attache
OVM On vehicle material
PA Philippine Army; Public Affairs
PAC Peoples Army Congress
PACAF Pacific Air Forces
PACAM Punched Card Accounting Machine
PACE Pacific Alternate Command Element
PACEX Pacific Exchange System
PACFLT Pacific Fleet
PACGEEIA Pacific Area Ground Environment Electronic Installation Agency
PACOM Pacific Command
PACOM ELINT Center Pacific Command Electronics Intelligence Center
PACOMEP Pacific Command Emergency Procedures
PACOMEW Pacific Command Electronic Warfare
PACOMINTS Pacific Command Intelligence School
PACSCAT Pacific Ionospheric Scatter
PACV Patrol Air Cushion Vehicle
PAD Program Actions Directive
PADAF Pacific Command Air Defense Analysis Facility
PADGERC PACOM Air Defense Ground Environment Requirements Committee
PAF Philippine Air Force
PAJG Procurement Agency of the Japanese Government
PAKS Pakistanis
PAL Permissive Action Link; Price and Availability List
PAMPA PACOM Movements Priority Agency
PAP Peoples Action Party (Singapore)
PAO Public Affairs Officer (USIS)
PARC Pacific Air Rescue Center/Command
PARRC Pacific Air Rescue Center
PARU Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit (Thailand)
PASEP Passed Separately (Message Transmission)
PAT Peoples Action Teams
PATMRG PACOM Air Target Materials Review Group
PAU Pacific Command Frequency Allocation and Uses
PAVN People's Army Vietnam (North)
PAX Passenger
PBR River Patrol Boat
PC Philippine Constabulary; Submarine Chaser Ship
PCA Permanent Change of Assignment
PCC Political Consultative Council
PCE Patrol Craft Escort
PCF Patrol Craft Coastal (fast)
PCH&T Packing, Crating, Handling and Transportation
PCP Program Change Proposals
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PDC Pacific Defense College
PDJ Plaine de Jarres
PDO Property Disposal Office
PECM Passive ECM
PEDMAN PACFLT Enlisted Personnel Distribution Manual
PEG Performance Evaluation Group
PEO Programs Evaluation Office (Defunct)
PERGRA Permission Granted
PESTAT Personnel Status Report
PF Popular Force; Patrol Escort Ship
PFD Preliminary Functional Description
PFF Police Field Force
PFIAB President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
PFNS Position Firing Navigational System
PG Province Guard (Cambodia)
PGM Motor Gunboat
PHIBLEX Amphibious Landing Exercise
PHIL Philippines
PHILCAGV Philippine Civic Action Group Vietnam
PHS Public Health Service
PIASTER Vietnamese Currency
PIC Photographic Interpretation Center (Navy)
PIM Position Intended Movement
PKI Party Communist Indonesia/Partai Komunis Indonesia
PKP Party Communist Philippines
PL Public Law; Pathet Lao
PLA People's Liberation Army (CHICOM)
PLADS Parachute Low Altitude Delivery System
PLD-PACOM Petroleum Logistical Data Pacific Command
PLL Prescribed Load List
PLOYREP Unit Deployment Report
PLSP Pre-Launch Survival Probability
PL-VM Pathet Lao - Viet Minh
PMARP Peacetime Manpower Allocation Requirements Plan
PMDAMT Pacific Mobile Depot Activity Maintenance Team
PMDC Pacific Command, Military Assistance Program Data Center
PMDL Provisional Military Demarcation Line
PMEL Precision Measuring Equipment Laboratory
PMR Pacific Missile Range
PN Philippine Navy
PNI Democratic Party in Indonesia
PO Psychological Operation
POA Petroleum Operating Agreement
PODE Pacific Ocean Division Engineers
POI Program of Instruction
POL Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants
POLAD Political Advisor
POLO Pacific Operations Liaison Office
POS Peacetime Operating Stock
POW Prisoner of War
PPC Photo Processing Center
PPF Peoples Police Force
PPP Province Pacification Plan
PPRI PACOM Priority Number
PR Party Raayat (Leftist Organization in Singapore)
PRC Planning Research Corporation
PREL Priority Reconnaissance Exploitation List
PRERECPAC Preplanned Reconnaissance Pacific
PRI People's Revolutionary Party (RVN)
PRO Pacific Research Office
Prod Product
Prog Progam(s)
PROP Priority Production List
PROVMAAG Provisional Military Assistance Advisory Group
PROVMAAG-K Military Assistance Advisory Group, Korea (Provisional)
PRPL PACOM Reconnaissance Priority List
PRSF Peoples Revolutionary Struggle Force
PS Patrol Ship
PSAC President's Scientific Advisory Committee
PSFC Provisional Special Forces Company
PSI Socialist Party of Indonesia
PSIA Public Security Investigation Agency (Japan)
PSO Presidential Security Office (RVN)
PSP Pierced Steel Planking
PSRL Post Strike Reconnaissance List
Psy Psychological
PSYOPS Psychological Operations
PSYWAR/PW Psychological Warfare
PT Fast Patrol Boat
PTFMR Peacetime Force Materiel Requirements
PTTMC PACOM Tactical Target Materials Catalog
PUNCH Illness Report
PVO Soviet Air Defense System
Pvmt Pavement
PW Prisoner of War
PWG Permanent Working Group (SEATO)
PX Post Exchange
QRA Quick Reaction Alert
QRC Quick Reaction Capability
QRF Quick Reaction Force
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAC Research Analysis Corporation
RADFO Radioactive Fallout
RADM Rear Admiral
RADS Ryukyu Air Defense System
RAG Replacement Air Group; River Assault Group
RALLY Coalition of Conservative Parties in Laos (Also known as LHL)
RAMAB Ready Afloat Marine Amphibious Brigade
RAS Replenish at Sea
RATT Radio Teletype
RAV Restricted Availability (Ship in for Repairs)
RB Reconnaissance Bomber
RCATS Radio Controlled Aerial Targets
RCC Rescue Control Center
RCN Listing Record Control Number Listing
RCS Reports Control Symbol
RCT Regimental Combat Team
RD Revolutionary Development
RDD Required Delivery Date
RDT&E Research, Development, Test and Engineering
Recce Reconnaissance
RECOMP Recommended Completion Date
Recon Reconnaissance
REDLOG Logistic Readiness Report
REDNON Operational Readiness Report (Non -atomic)
REDOPS Operational Status Reports
Ref Reference
REFNO Reference Number
Regt Regiment
Reinf Reinforced
Res Reserve
Ret Retired
RF/PF Regional and Popular Forces
RFS Ready or Readiness for Sea
RHP Rural Health Program
RIEL Cambodian Currency
RISOP Red Integrated Strategic Offensive Plan
RITOP Red Integrated Tactical Operational Plan
RKAF Royal Khmere Air Force-Cambodia
RKG Royal Cambodian Government
RLAF Royal Laotian Air Force
RLG Royal Laotian Government; Regional Liaison Group
RLT Regimental Landing Team; Rolling Liquid Transporter
RNMC Royal Netherlands Marine Corps
R/O Requisitions/Objectives
ROAD Reorganization of Army Division
ROC Republic of China
ROCAF Republic of China Air Force
ROCMC Republic of China Marine Corps
ROCN Republic of China Navy
ROE Rules of Engagement
ROK Republic of Korea
ROKA Republic of Korea Army
ROKAF Republic of Korea Air Force
ROKAP Republic of Korea Civic Action Program
ROKFV Republic of Korea Forces in Vietnam
ROKG Government of the Republic of Korea
ROKMC Republic of Korea Marine Corps
ROKN Republic of Korea Navy
RON Squadron; Remain Over Night
ROP Republic of the Philippines
RO/RI Redistribution Out/Redistribution In
RO/RO Roll On/Roll Off
ROT ABCCC Rotational Airborne Command and Control Center
ROT AWS Rotational Air Weather Squadron
ROT BS Rotational Bomb Squadron
ROT AREFS Rotating Air Refueling Squadron
ROT FIS Rotating Fighter Interceptor Squadron
ROT FIS DET Rotating Fighter Interceptor Squadron Detachment
ROT RCS Rotational Radar Calibration Squadron
ROT TAS Rotational Tactical Assault Squadron
ROT TBS Rotational Tactical Bomber Squadron
ROT TCS Rotational Troop Carrier Squadron
RP Route Package; Reporting Point; Release Point
RPC River Patrol Craft
RPI Federated Republic of Indonesia
RPS Registered Publication System
RR Radio Relay; Railroad
R&R Rest and Recuperation
RSC Regional Service Center
RSR Required Supply Rate
RSSZ Rung Sat Special Zone
RST Rolling Stock
RTA Royal Thailand Army
RTAF Royal Thailand Air Force
RTAFB Royal Thailand Air Force Base
RTARF Royal Thailand Armed Forces
RTAV Royal Thailand Army in Vietnam
RTEG River Transport Escort Group
RTF Reconnaissance Task Force
RTG Royal Thai Government
RTMC Royal Thailand Marine Corps
RTN Royal Thailand Navy
RTS Reconnaissance Technical Squadron
RTSD Royal Thai Survey Dept
RTTL Rolling Thunder Target List
RTVAR Royal Thailand Army Volunteer Regiment
RVN Republic of Vietnam
RVNAF Republic of Vietnam Air Force
RVNMC Republic of Vietnam Marine Corps
RVNN Republic of Vietnam Navy
RW Radiological Warfare
SAC Strategic Air Command
SACC Supporting Arms Coordination Center
SACSA Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities
SAC XRAY A Detachment of the Strategic Air Command
SAF Secretary of the Air Force; Special Action Force
SAG Scientific Advisory Group
SAGE Semi-automatic Ground Environment
SALG South American Liaison Group
SAM Surface to Air Missile; Space Available Mail
SAM Flight Special Air Mission Flights
SAO Single Airlift Organization
SAPO Sub Area Petroleum Office
SAR Search and Rescue
SARC Search and Rescue Center
SARDS Special Air Route Designators
SARPF Strategic Air Relocatable Photographic Facility
SAS Sealed Authenticator System
SATCOM Satellite Communications
SATM Supply and Training Mission, Laos
SAW Special Air Warfare
SAWS Small Arms Weapons System
SC Submarine Chaser
SCC SC Security Consultative Committee Sub-Committee
SCDA SEATO Central Distribution Authority
Sch School
SCIP Sea Counter-Infiltration Patrol
SCORE Selective Conversion and Retention Program
S&D Search and Destroy
SDC Self Defense Corps (RVN)
SDO Staff Duty Officer
SEA Southeast Asia
SEABU Southeast Asia Buildup
SEACOORD Coordinating Committee for U.S. Missions Southeast Asia
SEAITACS Southeast Asia Integrated Tactical Air Control System
SEAL Sea, Air and Land (Team)
SEAMARF Southeast Asia Military Air Reservation Facility
SEAMIL Separate Military Committee (under SEACOORD)
SEAP SEATO Military Publication
SEASIA Southeast Asia
SEASTAG SEATO Standardization Agreement
SEATELCOM Southeast Asia Telecommunications
SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
Sec Section(s)
SECDEF Secretary of Defense
SECNAV Secretary of the Navy
SECO Second Stage Engine Cutoff
Secy Secretary
SEDSCAF Standard ELINT Data System Code and Format
S&E Funds Supplies and Equipage Funds
SELF Short Expeditious Landing Field
SEMP Socio-Economic Military Program
SERE Survival, evasion, resistance and escape
SF Special Forces
SFARG SIOP Force Application Review Group
SFCO Special Forces Company
SFF SEATO Field Forces
SFOB SEATO Forces Operating Base
SFOD Special Forces Operational Detachment
SHAD Shipboard Hazards Appraisal and Defense
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SHEDS Ship Helicopter Extended Delivery System
SHOB Shore Based
SIC Survey Information Center
SICR Specific Intelligence Collection Requirements
SID Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances; Special Intelligence Detachment
SIF Selective Identification Feature
SIGINT Signal Intelligence
SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan
SITREP Situation Report
SJA Staff Judge Advocate
SJS Secretary Joint Staff
S&L Systems and Logistics
SLAR Side Looking Airborne Radar
SLAT Special Logistics Actions Thailand
SLAV Special Logistic Actions for South Vietnam
SLBM Submarine Launch Ballistic Missile
SLF Special Landing Force
SMIAT Special Military Intelligence Activities Team
SMPO SEATO Military Planning Office
SMRIS Soviet Missile Range Instrumented Ship
SNDL Standard Navy Distribution List
SNO Senior National Officer (SEATO)
SO Sail Only Junk; Special Order
SOA Speed of Advance
SOAP Supply Operations Assistance Program
SOC Squadron Operations Center
SOCPAC Special Operations Center Pacific Command
SOCS Special Operations Center
SOD Special Operations Detachment
SOFA Status of Forces Agreement
SOFAR Sound Fixing and Ranging (Aircraft and Sub)
SOFT Special Operational Forces Taiwan
SOG Studies and Observation Group
SOKA GAKKI Value Creation Society (Japan)
SOLOG Standardization Agreements on Operations and Logistics (US, British and Canadian)
SOP Standing Operating Procedure
SOPA Senior Officer Present Afloat
SOR Specific Operational Requirements
SOTS Special Operations Team
SOSUS Sound Surveillance System
SP Starting Point
SPADATS Space Detection and Tracking System
SPCC Ship's Parts Control Center
SPDHF Special Pay for Duty Subject to Hostile Fire
Spec Special
SPIREP Spot Intelligence Report
SPM Single Point Manager
SPMD Saigon Municipal Police Directorate
SPOS Strong Point Obstacle System
SPR Supply Performance Report
Spt Support
SPWAR Special Warfare
Sq Squadron
Sqdn Squadron
Sq. Mi. Square Mile
Sqn(s) Squadron(s)
Sr Senior
SRG Systems Research Group
SROKA Second Republic of Korea Army
SRY Ship Repair Yard
SS US Navy Submarine
SSB Single Side Band
SSBN Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine (nuclear powered)
SSD Space Systems Division
SSESS Soviet Space Event Support Ships
SSG Special Support Group
SSO Special Security Office
SSODIA Special Security Office, Defense Intelligence Agency
SST Safe Separate/Timing
STAG Strategy and Tactics Analysis Group
STANAG NATO Standardization Agreement
STAR Selective Training and Retention Program
STARCOM Strategic Army Communications System
STAT Sea Bee Technical Assistance Team
STATE Department of State
STOL Short Take-off and Landing
STP Standard Temperature and Pressure
Str Strength
STRA Supply & Training Mission
STRAC Strategic Army Corps
STRICOM Strike Command
STRIP Standard Requisition and Issue Procedures
STS Strategic Technical Service
SUA Small Unit Action
Subj Subject
SUBS Submarines
Sup Supply
Supp Support
Supt Support
SVN South Vietnam
SWAD Special Warfare Aviation Detachment
SWIM Sea Warfare Interim Model
SWOG Special Weapons Overflight Guide
SYNCOM Synchronous Communication Satellite System
TA Table of Allowances
TAAM Transportation Army Aviation Maintenance
Tac Tactical
TAC Tactical Air Control, Tactical Air Command
TACAMO Nickname for Airborne Very Low Frequency Radio Broadcasting
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation
TACC Tactical Air Control Center
TACP Tactical Air Control Party
TACRON Tactical Air Control Squadron
TACS Tactical Air Control System
TADC Tactical Air Directional Center
TAE Tactical Aeromed Evacuation
TAF Stores Ship (MSTS)
TAFDS Tactical Airfield Fuel Dispersing System
TAK Cargo Ship (MSTS)
TAKV Cargo Ship and Aircraft Ferry (MSTS)
TAMIRAD The Army's Tactical Missile Range Air Defense Program
TAMP Thailand Ammunition Manufacturing Plant
TANGO A Message Released by the Commander in Chief Pacific, while away from the Headquarters.
TANWERE Tactical Nuclear Weapons Requirements
TAO Tactical Air Observer
TAOG Gasoline Tanker (MSTS)
TAOR Tactical Area of Responsibility
TAP Transport Ship (MSTS)
TAPS Technical Aerial Positioning System
TAR Tactical Aircraft Recovery
TAS Troop Airlift Squadron
TASC Tactical Air Support Center
TASS Tactical Air Support Squadron
TAW Troop Airlift Wing
TAX Tactical Air Exercise
TBC Taiwan Base Command
TBDL To be Designated Later
TCMD Transportation Control & Movement Document
TCS Troop Carrier Squadron
TCTO Time Compliance Technical Order
TCW Troop Carrier Wing
TD Table of Distribution
TDC Taiwan Defense Command
TDI Target Data Inventory
TDY Temporary Duty
TE Table of Equipment
TEA Thai Exiles Association
TED Troop Exercise Director
TELECON Telecommunication Conference
TEMADD Temporary Additional Duty
TERM Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission
TEWS Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron
TFS Tactical Fighter Squadron
TFW Tactical Fighter Wing
TG Task Group
Tgt Target
THAI Thailand
TI Technical Information
TIF Target Intelligence File
TIPI Tactical Interpretation and Processing of Information
TIS Target Information Sheet
TLRG Target List Review Group
TMA Traffic Management Agency
TMC Transportation Materiel Command (US Army)
TMG Tactical Missile Group
Tng Training
Tnk Tank
TNP Thailand National Police
Tnsp Transportation
TO Technical Order; Table of Organization
TOA Total Obligation Authority
TOC Technical Order Compliance; Tactical Operations Center
TO& E Table of Organization and Equipment
TOT Telephone Organization of Thailand; Time on Target
TOW Tube-Launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided Missile
TPI Technical Proficiency Inspection
TPP Thermal Power Plant
TQMG The Quartermaster General
TR Transportation Request
TRAC Target Research Analysis Center
Trans Transport
TRANS-PAC A Commercial Trans-Pacific Cable
TRPCAR Troop Carrier
TRPCAR(M) Troop Carrier (Medium)
TRS Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron
TRTF Tactical Reconnaissance Task Force
TRW Tactical Reconnaissance Wing
TTI Tactical Target Illustrations
TTMP Tactical Target Materials Program
TTY Teletype
TUC Type Unit Code
TUCRs Troop Unit Change Requests
Tv Television
TW Trail Watcher
TYCOM Type Commander
UAL Unit Allowance List
UDT Underwater Demolition Team
UDU Underwater Demolition Unit
UE Unit Equipment Allowance
UFN Until further notice
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UIR Urban Intelligence Reports
UK United Kingdom
UMIPS Uniform Material Issue Priority System
UN United Nations
UNAAF Unified Action Armed Forces
UNC United Nations Command
UNCMAC United Nations Command, Military Armistice Commission
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNODIR Unless Otherwise Directed
UNREP Underway Replenishment
UNTEA United Nations Temporary Executive Authority
UPIR Unifile Photo Interpretation Report
UPS Universal Polar Stereographic
UQC Underwater Telephone
URG Underway Replenishment Group
US United States
USA United States Army
USAB & VAPAC US Army Broadcasting and Visual Activity Pacific
USADCJ US Army Depot Command, Japan
USAEIGHT Eighth United States Army
USAERDL US Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratories
USAF United States Air Force
USAFI United States Armed Forces Institute
USAIRA United States Air Attache
USAIRLO United States Air Liaison Officer
USALCJ US Army Logistics Center Japan
USAMC United States Army Material Command
USAMICOM US Army Missile Command
USAOSA United States Army Overseas Supply Agency
USARHAW United States Army Hawaii
USARJ United States Army, Japan
USARMA United States Army Attache
USARPAC United States Army Pacific
USARV United States Army, Vietnam
USARYIS United States Army, Ryukyus Islands
USASA United States Army Security Agency
USASCC United States Army Strategic Communication Command
USASCV US Army Support Command Vietnam
USASF United States Army Special Forces
USASGV United States Army Support Group Vietnam
USCINCSO Commander in Chief, United States Southern Command
USCONARC United States Continental Army Command
USDAO United States Defense Attache Officer
USF United States Forces
USFJ United States Forces Japan
USFK United States Forces Korea
USG United States Government
USIA United States Information Agency
USIB US Intelligence Board
USIS United States Information Service
USM Underwater-Surface Missile
USMC United States Marine Corps
USMCP United States Military Construction Program
USMILADREP United States Military Advisor's Representative
USMILADREPSMPO United States Military Advisor's Representative, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, Military Planning Office
USMSMI United States Military Supply Mission, India
USN United States Navy
USNAVSUPACT United States Naval Supply Activity
USNS US Naval Ship
USOM United States Operations Mission
USS United States Ship
USSF(P) United States Special Forces (Provisional)
USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
USTDC United States Forces, Taiwan Defense Command
USUN United States United Nations Delegation
USW Underseas Warfare
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
UTT Utility Tactical Transport
UTWING Utility Wing
UW Unconventional Warfare
VACRS Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen
VADM Vice Admiral
VAMP Vietnam Ammunition Procedures
VAP Heavy Photographic Squadron
VAW Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (USN)
VC US Navy Composite Squadron; Viet Cong
VCC Viet Cong Captured
VCS Viet Cong Suspect
VCSS Value Creation Study Society
VDC Volunteer Defense Corps (Thailand)
VDS Variable Depth Sonar
VFP Light Photographic Squadron
VFR Visual Flight Rule
VLF Very Low Frequency
VM Viet Minh
VMA(AW) Marine Corps Attack Squadron (All Weather)
VMCJ Marine Corps Composite Reconnaissance Squadron
VMFA Marine Fighter/Attack Squadron
VMF(AW) Marine Corps Fighter Squadron (All Weather)
VMGR Marine Transport Refueling Squadron
VMO Marine Corps Observation Squadron
VN Vietnam
VNN Republic of Vietnam Navy
VNQDD Vietnamese Nationalist Party
VNRS Vietnamese National Railway System
VNSF Vietnamese Special Forces
VOA Voice of America
VOCOM Voice Communications
VP US Navy Patrol Squadron
VP(L) US Navy Patrol Squadron (Land)
VPRON US Navy Patrol Squadron
VP(S) US Navy Patrol Squadron (Sea based)
VQ Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron
VR Visual Recce
VRC Fleet Tactical Support Squadron
V/STOL Vertical/Short Take-off and Land
VUNC Voice of the United Nations Command
VW US Navy Airborne Early Warning Squadron
WAAPM Wide Area Anti-Personnel Mine
WALLEYE Television Guided Air to Surface Bomb
WAPG High Endurance Coast Guard Cutter (Now Known as WHEC)
WAR Warfare
WAVP High Endurance Coast Guard Cutter (Now Known as WHEC)
WBLC Waterborne Logistic Craft
WEA RCN Weather Reconnaissance
WESTAF Western Transport Air Force (Travis AFB)
WESTPAC Western Pacific
WESTPACNORTH Western Pacific North
WETWASH A A Military Cable from the Philippines to Vietnam
Wg Wing
WHO World Health Organization
WIA Wounded in Action
WID Weekly Intelligence Digest
WIR Weekly Intelligence Review
WO Warrant Officer
WOC Wing Operations Center
WPL War Plan, Long Range
WPM War Plan, Mid-Range
WPS War Plan, Short Range; War Planning Slate
WRA War Reserve Allowance
WRM War Reserve Mobilization
WRS Weather Reconnaissance Squadron
WSEG Weapons Systems Evaluation Group
WSMTT White Star Mobile Training Teams
WSRT Weapons System Reliability Test
WTO WESTPAC Transportation Office
WWMCCS World Wide Military Command and Control System
Wx Weather
YAG Miscellaneous Auxiliary (Service Craft)
YF Covered Lighter (self-propelled)
YFD Yard Floating Dry Dock
YP Patrol Craft (Service Craft)
YRB Submarine Repair and Berthing Barge
YTB Large Harbor Tug
YTL Small Harbor Tug
YW Water Barge (self-propelled)
ZI Zone of Interior