152-Ops2 Photos

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Day in the Life

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Another Budweiser commercial.. if they'd only pay me.

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This was my rack over the port engine facing the stern of the boat.   Hot summer, sweaty naps between operations.

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Here's a shot of my locker.  Note the nifty wallpaper.   What do round-eyes look like??...Song books in the locker.  I bought a cheap guitar for the boat.  It was stolen after a couple of month while we were tied up next to a Vietnamese boat at Ben Luc when I was aboard A-111-3.  This led me to become extremely angry.  I pulled my .38 and put it to the head of the boat captain of this Vietnamese boat and told him to come up with that guitar or I'd blow his brains out.  That didn't work and I never got the guitar back.  I did learn that Vietnamese didn't seem to be ashamed of stealing, only of getting caught.  I later had a radio/tape player stolen not long after we tied up to the USS Sphinx when, while I was on the ship, a Vietnamese boat came up to us and tied up alongside our boat.  Having learned my lesson that I would not likely get the radio back by use of force, I went to the commanding Vietnamese on the ship for assistance.  He went to the Vietnamese crew and searched their boat.  He found the radio and ordered the culprit to come out and apologize to me.  He was shamed and wouldn't come up on deck.  I then opened the cabin and found him.  I shook his hand and said 'no sweat' and he cried like a baby.  I couldn't have hurt him worse if I had shot him.

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We also strung a hammock under our tarp.  This is John King, our radioman, then it was my turn.

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A lot of sitting around doing nothing in between operations.

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Copyright 1999-2014 by Don Blankenship. You may use the images, descriptions, stories or text within this site, with proper credit,  for non-commercial, not-for-profit purposes only. In the event you wish to use any material contained within this site for commercial, for-profit purposes, permission must be obtained from the author, Don Blankenship, in advance of such use. All rights reserved. Click email if you have comments. Thanks for your interest in learning about the Mobile Riverine Force.